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New Electronic Device Policy



Electronic Device Policy Video


Roy High School seeks to promote an environment conducive to teaching, learning, and protecting instructional time. 


Expectations for Electronic Device Use Electronic Device Policy


  • Students are prohibited from using privately-owned electronic devices during instructional time. Students are expected to keep their privately-owned electronic devices out of sight and on silent mode during times of prohibited use. Headphone/earbuds/airpods are not allowed in ear during times of prohibited use. Smart watches may be worn but applications on the watch may not be used during times of prohibited use. 
  • Secondary students are prohibited from using privately-owned electronic devices during class time, locker rooms, and in restrooms. 
  • Students may use privately-owned electronic devices before and after school, during transition periods, and during lunch breaks. 
  • The use of electronic devices may be prohibited by students during state and federally-mandated tests and assessments unless specifically allowed by law, an IEP, a Section 504 Accommodation Plan, a Health Care Plan, or testing/assessment instruction. 
  • Students will be instructed by teachers and/or administrators regarding permitted use of privately owned electronic devices during emergency situations. 


Process for Electronic Device Policy


1st Offense: Teacher, administrator, or staff member will reteach electronic device expectations with the student.


2nd Offense: The teacher, administrator, or staff member will collect the device and keep it in a secure location until the end of class. The teacher will notify the parents or guardian by email and/or phone call.


3rd Offense: The teacher or staff member will collect the device and take it to the administration and/or main office. The electronic device shall remain in the possession of the school administrator or office staff until the end of the school day. The administration/office staff may notify the parent or guardian. 


4th Offense: The teacher or staff member will collect the electronic device and take it to the administration and/or main office. The electronic device shall remain in the possession of the school administrator or office staff until picked up by the parent or guardian. The administration/office staff shall notify the parent or guardian. 


Subsequent Offense: Students who are repeat offenders of this policy shall be subject to the imposition of any appropriate disciplinary action, which may include suspension.  



Students who refuse to allow their electronic devices to be collected for violations may be disciplined for insubordination. Teachers who are unable to collect an electronic device will contact administration.