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Hall Pass


Hall Pass Policy Video


Expectations for Hall Pass Use

  • Hall Pass Timing: 
    • No hall passes are allowed during the first 15 minutes and the last 15 minutes of each class. This helps minimize disruptions during critical instruction time. 
  • Time Limit: 
    • Hall pass time limit is set at 10 minutes. Students must return within this timeframe.
    • One student at a time. 
  • Check-In and Check-Out Procedures: 
    • Before leaving the classroom, students must:
      • Sign out on the designated hall pass log, indicating their name, time of departure, and the purpose of the pass.
      • Take the hall pass with them. 
    • Upon returning to the classroom, students must:
      • Sign back in on the hall pass log, indicating their time of return.
    • Failure to follow the check-in and check-out procedure may result in consequences. 
  • Monitoring: 
    • Teachers have the flexibility to monitor the time students spend on hall passes using a method of their choice, such as a timer, hourglass, or other timekeeping devices.
    • Failure to follow the check-in and check-out procedure may result in consequences.


Process for Hall Pass Violation

1st Offense: Teacher or staff member will reteach hall pass expectations with the student.

2nd Offense: Teacher or staff member will reteach hall pass expectations and contact a parent/guardian about the issue. 

3rd Offense: Student will be referred to the office for disciplinary action up to and including loss of hall pass privileges, parent meeting, and possible suspension. 



This hall pass policy is designed to maintain an environment conducive to learning and minimize disruptions in the classroom. We expect all students to adhere to these guidelines and consequences to ensure a positive and focused educational experience for everyone.