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Important Info


Great Royal Parents,

We want to make sure to give you a "heads up" about a very important event planned for sometime today (Wednesday), Thursday, or Friday of this week!
It is vital that our school personnel and students are prepared for all types of emergency situations.  We practice various "drills" throughout the school year.  A PRACTICE drill will take place during the next 3 days which is a LOCKDOWN DRILL.  Lockdown drills involve an intruder being INSIDE the school building, or an emergency situation taking place INSIDE the building.  We will facilitate this PRACTICE drill during a class change so as to better prepare personnel and students as to proper procedures during a "class break" during the school day.  Teachers have reviewed with students the proper actions to take in regard to this type of scenario (via a Powerpoint presentation & instruction) on Monday, Nov. 30th. 

If your student was NOT in class 1st period on Monday, he/she missed that tutorial/review.  In essence, students should understand that WHEN the school goes into LOCKDOWN, they should get to the nearest classroom, lock the door, turn off the lights, and get out of sight.  It does not matter if they go to an unfamiliar classroom.  They KEY is that they quickly get to the nearest classroom!  Teachers will be pulling as many students as possible into their classrooms when the PRACTICE drill begins, and students should follow ALL directives from school personnel.


Roy City Police Department will be helping us faciliate the drill and coordinate with our school  throughout the drill.  Please realize there may be more of a "visible" presence of police officers and vehicles about the school parking lot before, during, and after the drill.  Again, this is a PRACTICE drill meant to better educate our students/personnel.

We will NOT be announcing the exact day/time of the drill, but the main office will be operating during the drill if it should fall at a time that a parent arrives to pick up his/her students, etc.  The Roy High Day Care Program's little ones and our special needs students will be "watched out for" during the drill, as well.
If you continue to receive Roy High School parent emails (erroneously), please "unsubscribe" - at bottom of this email/document.     We place the highest priority on student safety, and in order to best prepare for emergencies, practice drill are necessary and important.
Once the drill is complete, we will resume the normal school routine for the day.
We appreciate your ongoing support of Roy High School!!

Gina Butters - Principal