CTE Public Notification of Nondiscrimination
Activity Card / Student I.D. Card
For student identification and safety purposes, Roy High requires that students wear photo identification badges during school hours. Student ID cards MUST be worn visibly above the waist on the front of the body from the time of arrival to school to the time of departure. The student ID card is also utilized for participation in the many activities sponsored by Roy High School. Upon payment for the activity fees, students receive two I.D./activity cards. This card entitles the student to attend many of the school functions held during the year at free or reduced rates. The picture I.D. card is also used for checking in and out of school, checking out library books, identification and payment for the school lunch program, admittance to school dances, and paying the bookkeeper. If, for some reason, your activity card is lost, a duplicate must be purchased in the main office at a cost of $5.00. Cards damaged by normal wear and tear will be replaced at no cost to the student. The cost of the first two student ID cards is covered in registration fees, but replacement cards must be additionally purchased. Replacement card fees are not covered by fee waivers. Students found using another student’s activity card may be charged with theft and/or banned from participating in all school activities for a period of time.
After School Math Tutoring
Students should take advantage of the after school math tutoring program offered daily at Roy High. Three teachers are available to students for one hour to offer instruction, remediation and support with math concepts. Tutoring takes place each day from 3:00-4:00 in the library.
Assemblies are planned to be educational, informative, and entertaining. Students are required to attend assemblies, be promptly seated, and remain seated throughout the performance. Proper conduct includes being respectful, not talking or whistling during the performances, not leaving during performances, turning off and putting away all electronic devices, and not putting your feet on the chairs in the auditorium. Students who leave school during assemblies without checking out properly may be marked truant.
Awards / Pins
At Roy High, hard work and achievement are promoted and celebrated. The following unique Roy High awards are available to students:
Academic/Athletic Letters in English, Social Studies, Business, Mathematics (and other areas), as well as UHSAA awards for athletics, music, drama, and debate. Each department/program has established its own criteria for earning the letter.
RHS Pin – Three (3) terms of a 3.8 GPA or higher in the same school year; Royal of the Month recipient; Sterling Scholars; 2nd or 3rd place in school sanctioned state or national competition.
“R” Pin (small) – Being named to an All-Area or All-Region First Team (athletically or academically).
“R” Pin (big) – Most prestigious pin award – Given to students taking 1st place at a school sanctioned state or national competition.
“R” Pin w/ Stone – Given to the parents of a student earning 1st place at a school sanctioned state or national competition, or being named All-State First Team (athletically or academically).
Crown Pin – Pin awarded to students or staff members of Roy High who demonstrate exemplary and/or inspirational behavior or leadership abilities. Students and staff members must be nominated by a fellow Royal and the reason specified, in writing, to the Awards Committee Chair.
Lion Pin – All students participating on a region championship team or receiving a superior rating (or equivalent) in a school sponsored state or national competition.
RESPECT Pin – Students who are nominated by teachers or students can earn this pin (and the four affiliated “paw” pins) by attending school events, providing service, achieving academic excellence, and/or dressing in Royal attire.
Check-in at the attendance office is required for all students who enter the school after 7:45 a.m. The student will be issued a check-in slip and this slip must be presented to the teacher upon arrival to class.
Check-out at the attendance office is required for all students leaving school before 2:30 p.m. Students will be allowed to check-out only with parent permission. Students are not to be excused except for family emergencies, medical appointments, or illness. Students should not be checked out during Royal R&R unless the student is experiencing one of the above situations.
Attendance Policy:
Roy High follows the Weber School District Attendance/Citizenship Policy. The complete policy may be reviewed from WSD.net/Board/Board/Article 4 – Students.
Absences: Five absences in any class during any term will result in a loss of .25 units of attendance credit in each class involved. Allowances may be made for pre-arranged absence, students experiencing a long term illness, or absences incurred for circumstances beyond the student’s control. Absences will appear on the portal daily so that students and parents can keep track of a student’s attendance.
Parent excused absence: A parent or guardian must call the attendance secretary within 5 school days of an absence to excuse the absence. Absences must be excused in order for the student to make up any work missed.
Tardies: Attendance credit will be lost if the student has 5 or more tardies in any class during the quarter.
Truancy: Truancy is defined as a condition in which a school age child, without a valid excuse, is absent for at least half of the school day. Two truancies in any class will result in the loss of attendance credit.
Absences - Pre-Arranged:
If parents request to have their student excused from school for 3 days or longer, for a reason other than illness or family emergencies, arrangements need to be made in advance. Students pick up and complete a Pre-Arranged Absence Form from the attendance office to have all of their teachers sign. It must be returned to the attendance office prior to the absence.
If a student knows ahead of time that they will be absent (pre-arranged, school excused, etc.), the teacher expects the student to notify them prior and complete as much school work as possible during their absence to keep as current as possible in their class.
Pre-arranged absences are typically a minimum of three days in duration and will not count against attendance credit loss.
In Weber School District all attendance credit loss over .75 must be made up before graduation and to meet eligibility requirements for athletics, team events, student government, and all other activities in which students represent any WSD High School.
Contact Angie Bodily, the attendance secretary, to set up your plan. 801-476-3705. All plans must be preapproved through Mrs. Bodily.
In-School Service Hours:
Students who need to make up attendance credit loss (more than .75 overall credit loss), will be required to accomplish in-school service requirements. Every 5 hours of in-school service worked will reinstate .25 attendance credit. In-school service credit will be awarded after necessary fees are paid to the bookkeeper. A $15 fee is charged per .25 attendance credit loss, with a maximum limit of $90 fee for a student’s high school career. The receipt for payment of these fees must be attached to the in-school service credit sheet/contract obtained from the school attendance coordinator.
In-School Service Hours Requirements:
To encourage students with attendance issues to “give back” to the school/district, these activities include but are not limited to...cleanup after games/activities, weeding and planting, campus cleanup, building cleanup etc. All service hours done at any school must be done under the supervision and direction of the custodial staff and/or the athletic director. They will sign off on all hours worked. Exceptions to this must be pre-approved by a Roy High administrator.
Other Attendance Credit Recovery Options: For all options below, a $15 fee is charged per .25 attendance credit loss, with a maximum limit of $90 fee for a student’s high school career.
10 Days:
If a student attends 10 school days in a row, without ANY absences or tardies, they can earn 0.25 attendance credit. The student is responsible for recognizing that they have earned 10 days straight and contacting the attendance secretary to inform her of the 10 days. Once verified, .25 attendance credit will be restored.
Attendance Credit Recovery Class:
Offered multiple times per quarter. The class will consist of 8 total hours, Monday-Thursday from 2:30-4:30 PM and will restore .75 of attendance credit loss. ALL four days MUST be attended. $20 fee (Attendance class fee will be applied to the $90.00 maximum). You may take the class as many times as you like.
Clean Quarter:
A student attending one quarter without losing attendance credit for absences/tardies in any class may restore one full previous quarter of attendance credit loss. This make up option may be used more than once. If you are a SENIOR, the clean quarter does not apply during the 4th quarter. There is no limit to the amount of “clean quarters” that can be earned! Clean quarters must however be earned during the year in which they are used to restore attendance credit loss. Clean quarters cannot be “banked” for future use. The student is responsible for recognizing that they have earned a clean quarter and then contacting the attendance secretary to use their earned clean quarter to restore lost attendance credit.
Class tutoring:
Students can attend morning or afternoon teacher office hours to improve academic success and receive attendance credit make-up. 8 hours will restore .75 of attendance credit loss.
Every 10 hours of community service (off campus) worked will reinstate .25 attendance credit. Community service credit will be awarded after necessary fees are paid to the bookkeeper. A $15 fee is charged per .25 attendance credit loss, with a maximum limit of $90 for a student’s high school career. The receipt for payment of these fees must be attached to the community service credit sheet/contract obtained from the school attendance secretary. Community service hours can only be made up at pre-approved sites (see attendance secretary for complete list). Community service hours worked at a non-approved site will not count toward attendance credit make-up. All community service must be selected from Roy High's list of approved community service sites. Off-campus community service requires clearance through the attendance secretary. Hours worked on campus, supervised by custodial staff, are doubled (1 hour worked = 2 hours make-up) to encourage students with attendance issues to “give back” and be present at RHS. If no school service hours are available, the student must look outside of the school for opportunities for make-up work. They may also take advantage of attendance incentives provided by the school (i.e., 10 consecutive school days with no absence or tardy = .25 attendance credit restored – “10 day contract”. One past quarter of attendance credit loss can be restored with one current quarter of no attendance credit loss—“clean quarter”). If you are a SENIOR, you must be working with an administrator for the clean quarter to apply for 4th term. There is no limit to the amount of “clean quarters” that can be earned! However, clean quarters must be earned during the year in which they are used to restore attendance credit loss. For example, a senior can only use clean quarters earned during their senior year to restore any previous quarters of loss; they cannot use a clean quarter from their sophomore or junior year during their senior year to restore lost attendance credit.
The criteria for the selection of community service are:
-All hours must be pre-approved through the attendance coordinator (Brandy Erickson).
-Students may not miss any class time to make up hours. If this is the case, the hours worked while the student was missing class will not be counted.
-Hours worked must be documented on the school’s community service form.
-Organizations must be non-profit.
-Students may not receive pay or other benefits for hours worked.
-Students may not work for their employer, relative, or friend.
Cell Phones and Digital Media Device Policy
The use of digital media devices (cell phones, tablets, computers, cameras, audio recorders, video recorders, PDA’s, radios, CD/DVD players, MP3 players/ipods, game devices or any other device which disrupts the educational process) have increased in our community and in the schools. While digital media devices are beneficial, their misuse may be disruptive to a positive learning environment and may infringe on the privacy and rights of others. In order to maximize a positive learning environment at Roy High School the following procedures apply:
We encourage students to bring their own digital media device(s) to school, if it/they is/are secured throughout the school day. However, they do this at their own risk. Roy High School is not responsible for lost, stolen, damaged, or misplaced devices. School officials will do their best to guard and protect confiscated phones or other digital media devices but are not responsible for loss, damage, or theft. At times, and always under the direction/supervision of the teacher, digital media devices may be utilized in the classroom for instructional purposes. Students inappropriately using the device during teacher-directed usage will be held to the same consequences outlined below.
Student cell phones and music devices may only be used before and after school, during lunch, and during pass time. Cell phone, video camera, and audio recorder use is strictly prohibited in the restrooms, locker rooms, and private dressing areas of the school.
Students may not use electronic devices in any way that threatens, intimidates, humiliates, or harasses school-related individuals, including students, employees, and invited guests, or violates local, state or federal laws. The taking or sharing of obscene, pornographic, lewd, illegal or otherwise inappropriate images or photographs will not be tolerated. Violations may be referred to law enforcement. This includes video or photos that are taken and/or shared of students who are involved in activities that violate school or district policy.
The office phone is available for students and parents to communicate in case of a school issue or emergency.
Game devices and cameras may only be brought according to the specific guidelines of a teacher. This policy does not apply to the sanctioned use of digital media devices by students under the direct supervision of their teachers for educational purposes, medical, or emergency situations.
Violations of this policy shall result in the confiscation of the digital media device. Students are expected to cooperate in handing over cell phones and digital media devices when requested. Upon request, students are not allowed to take out the SIM cards or batteries. Students insisting on doing so are in violation of “failing to comply” and appropriate action will take place. If the SIM card or battery is removed, the student must supply it to administration before the device will be returned. Students may be suspended for repetitive violations of this policy and/or related insubordination.
The use of cell phones and other electronic devices is NEVER appropriate during testing. Students should not have these items in their possession during testing situations; possession of these devices during testing situations will result in the invalidation of the test and the loss of the opportunity to retake the test (Standardized tests, AP tests, end of level tests, classroom tests, etc.).
Any violation of the digital media devices policy will follow the due process tiered disciplinary actions/consequences listed below:
First offense: Digital media device is taken from the student and kept in the office until the end of the school day at which time the student may retrieve the device upon presentation of their school ID card. The violation is recorded on the student discipline tracker by the secretary and the teacher.
Second offense: Digital media device is taken from the student and kept in the office until the end of the school day at which time the parent/guardian of the student may retrieve the device. The digital media device will not be returned to the student. The incident is recorded by the secretary or administrator and the teacher.
Third offense: The digital media device is taken from the student and kept in the office until the end of the school day at which time the parent/guardian is notified and the student is suspended for one day. The incident is recorded by the secretary or administrator and the teacher. Any subsequent violation of the digital media device policy will result in extended periods of suspension from school.
Students bring digital media devices on school property or to school activities at their own risk. The school is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged electronic equipment. School officials will do their best to guard and protect confiscated cell phones or other digital media devices but are not responsible for loss, damage, or theft.
Students are strictly responsible for their own digital media devices. If devices are borrowed or taken and misused by non-owners, device owners are jointly responsible for the misuse or policy violation(s).
Violations of the Roy High School Digital Media Devices Policy gives the school administrator or designee your consent to search the contents of the device based on reasonable suspicion that it contains evidence of a violation of school rules or policy. Video cameras, picture cameras, and camera phones, while permitted on campus during school hours, are to be utilized appropriately. Filming/taking pictures on school campus during school hours must be under the direction of the multimedia teacher. Violation of the camera policy will result in the same consequences as other electronic devices. In addition, pictures and/or film may also be viewed and deleted and/or given to the proper authorities if deemed inappropriate by school administrators.
Wireless Access @ Roy High
Every student and teacher will have access to wireless internet at Roy High School, via their smartphones, and other digital media devices. To access the wireless capabilities, all students/teachers will be required to log-in, using their assigned login and password. All activities/sites visited will be documented daily and students who violate the Acceptable Use Policy may lose the privilege of utilizing school internet wireless, computer labs and/or related technology. Students who share their log-in/password information with other students will be held accountable for potential Acceptable Use Policy violations.
Cheating / Plagiarism
Royal students are expected to be honest and honorable in all academic endeavors. Consequences for academic fraud will be determined at the discretion of the teacher. Repeated violations will result in a referral to the administration.
Conduct Policy / Royal Pride
Royal students should take pride in their dress, language, and how they treat others. They are expected to be polite to other students and staff members, and avoid unruly or confrontational behavior. These expectations should be adhered to while a guest at other schools. Abusive or verbal conduct toward students and staff members such as verbal or physical threats, harassment, profanity, intimidation, gestures, or physical contact such as pushing, physically assaulting or fighting, or inappropriate displays of affection, will not be tolerated and could lead to suspension/removal from Roy High School. The following district “Code of Conduct” policy outlines the expectations for behavior for all extracurricular participants at Roy High:
Weber School District
Code of Conduct Contract (53A-11-908)
The Utah State Legislature recognizes that participation in student government and extracurricular activities may confer important education and lifetime benefits upon students. Weber School District encourages a variety of opportunities for all students to participate in such activities in meaningful ways; there is no constitutional right to participate in these types of activities and does not create such a right. The Legislature and District further note that those who participate in student government and extracurricular activities including coaches and advisors become role models for others in the school and community.
It is of the utmost importance that those involved in student government, whether as officers or advisors, and those involved in competitive athletics and related activities, whether students or staff, comply with all state laws and school rules of behavior and conduct themselves at all times in a manner befitting their positions and responsibilities. Extracurricular participants who do not abide by established community and school rules, laws and standards may lose their opportunity to represent their school in extracurricular activities.
In addition, the State Legislation, State Board of Education, and Weber School Board prohibit the following:
The use of foul, abusive or profane language;
The use, possession or distribution of controlled substances or drug paraphernalia, and the use, possession of distribution of tobacco or alcoholic beverages contrary to law; and
Hazing, demeaning or assaultive behavior.
This piece of legislation (53A-11-908) makes clear that its prohibitions relate not only to students and District employees, but also all adult coaches, advisors and assistants. It also requires all school employees who reasonably believe that there has been a violation of the above prohibitions to report the violation to the principal or District Athletic Director. Failure to report by a person who holds a professional certificate constitutes an unprofessional practice under the statute.
Please take time to review with all of your advisors and coaches the requirements of the statute and pay particular attention to make sure the requirements are communicated to students and any volunteers or para-professionals who are not regular employees of the District. The District will vigorously enforce the provisions of statute and Board policies adopted to enforce the statute.
Controlled Substances
The use or possession of tobacco, intoxicants or any other controlled substance or paraphernalia of any kind is prohibited on school property, or in any building owned or operated by the Board of Education. The use or possession of any controlled substances is prohibited at all times on campus. Infraction of rules may lead to mandatory Juvenile Court citations being issued or referral to proper authorities. Suspension from school and/or referral to Weber County Drug and Alcohol Assessment may also occur. (Refer to Weber School District Safe School Policy: www.wsd.net)
Credit Make-Up (Academic Credit)
In order to be eligible to graduate from Roy High School, a student must earn 27 academic credits and meet all related academic requirements.
Credit Recovery
In order to help students failing classes make up credit in a timely manner, Roy High School has instituted the Credit Recovery Program. Here’s how it works. If a student fails a class, the teacher may give the student the opportunity to make up work for the class during the NEXT QUARTER. The student can pick up the “Credit Recovery Form” from their teacher or in the Counseling Office, pay the $30 make-up fee at the bookkeeper’s office, take the receipt/form to the teacher, and then the teacher will outline the work that needs to be done to earn a passing grade and credit. In some cases, it may only be a few important tasks the student missed that resulted in the failing grade. Other students may have to make up a large amount of class work if they were dramatically below standard in the class. In either case, the teachers direct the student to learn what they missed during the quarter. If a student is within 15% of passing a class, the credit recovery option should be taken advantage of. If the student performed far below passing standards in the class, the teacher/counselor should direct the student to another option for credit make-up. If the student satisfactorily completes the work the teacher directs him/her to do, in the time allotted, a “P” (Pass) will be issued and credit granted. The original “F” grade earned remains on the student’s transcript. The student must take the credit recovery form/receipt to the teacher no later than two (2) weeks after receiving the final grade. The student will also have a deadline of two (2) weeks from the time they receive the work from the teacher to complete it. Teachers may work with individual students in regard to this deadline, but that teacher must inform the assigned counselor of the extension of time. Credit recovery will not be available to make up 4th quarter failing grades due to summer vacation. If the make-up work is not done satisfactorily or not done on time, no credit will be given and the credit recovery registration fee will be forfeited. The school-wide message is…Students: Why not pass the class the first time around?
Apex/Weber Online Courses
Another credit make up option is APEX. Roy High provides APEX online courses (in addition to other make-up credit options) in various subjects for students to complete for make-up credit. Seats in the APEX online courses are very limited and students must meet with their counselor for possible placement in an APEX online make-up course. Students who have failed a class could possibly take an APEX online course for make-up credit with the same grade and credit stipulations as the credit recovery program, with the exception that they will have 4 weeks from the time they start the APEX online course to complete it. The APEX online course fee will be $35.00 per quarter (0.25) credit. All APEX online courses will require that students take and pass unit tests to receive credit. If a student is not working regularly in an APEX online course, they will be dropped from the course and the registration fee will be forfeited.
Weber Online will also be available as a credit recovery option.
Other Academic Make-Up Credit Options
There are various other options available to Roy High students for earning credit. For more information on credit options or to take advantage of any of these options, see your counselor.
Clubs (Organizations)/Groups
Roy High School promotes both clubs and groups for student participation in activities associated with organizations. Clubs are organizations directly related to the school curriculum. All clubs and groups must have a school advisor, approved by the principal. With groups, the advisor will monitor all meetings held on school premises but does not participate in any activity or discussion of the group. Groups are not directly related to the curriculum and are initiated by students enrolled at Roy. Groups are not sponsored or supported by the school or district but are recognized for purposes of granting a place within Roy High School to meet during non-instructional time. Groups will not be represented in the yearbook nor can they represent the school in any school functions such as homecoming parades. Groups are not permitted to make announcements. Rules and regulations for both clubs and groups are available in the office. Each club or group must have a charter and a parental agreement signature giving permission for their student to be in that particular club or group. Students in clubs/organizations must meet school eligibility standards (2.0 GPA for quarter prior to event, no more than 1 “F” grade, no more than .75 accrued attendance credit loss) in order to participate in region/state/nationally sanctioned events. It is the club/organization’s advisor’s responsibility to convey eligibility standards to students, conduct eligibility checks, and inform students (and parent/guardian) of eligibility issues.
Royal Cord Eligibility
Students will have the responsibility to apply for the Royal cord. The application process will be in the form of a dossier showing proof of the following criteria. Late or incomplete applications will result in application denial.
Academics- 3.2 or better cum GPA
Attendance- 10 or less absences per year (all 3 years of high school) or special extenuating circumstances to be evaluated on an individual basis
Citizenship- No "U" s No more than three N's in any given year
Student Involvement/Leadership- Must be an active participating member in a club or organization for three years or earn an award at the state or national level competition.
Service- 25 hours or more of service. Maximum of 15, and a minimum of 10 hours may be earned during the senior year. All other hours to be earned during their Jr. and sophomore years. Service hours must be preapproved or club affiliated. Hours that are not pre approved or lack a confirmation signature from a club advisor will not be accepted.
Students with less than 2 years of attendance at Roy High that have extenuating circumstances may apply and shall be evaluated on an individual basis. Roy High School must be their home school where the majority of academic hours have been completed.
Each student that applies will receive a letter of acceptance or denial. In case of denial the student will be informed of the reason or reasons. An appeal process will be available. Late or incomplete applications will not be eligible for appeal.
Dress standards should reflect the theme of the dance and be tasteful. Strapless dresses are not allowed, and dresses must be appropriate in length. All students, as well as candidates for dance royalty, shall abide by the dress standards of the dance. Appropriate behavior is also enforced. Inappropriate behavior and/or dress could result in: students being turned away from attending the dance, students being asked to leave the dance, suspension, and/or students denied participation in other future dances and extracurricular activities as deemed by administration. Students must show student body ID cards to be admitted to the dance. Students from other schools who attend Roy High School dances must have a guest participation form filled out completely with an appropriate signature from their school principal prior to entrance of the dance. Those who are participating in the dance; excluding chaperones, must be in high school (10th-12th grade) or, if not in high school, must be no older than 19 years of age. Junior high students (7th -9th graders) and younger are not permitted to attend Roy High school dances.
Daytime Curfew
It is unlawful for any student who is subject to compulsory education law to leave the school campus without a valid school issued off campus permit other than during lunch time or approved R&R times. It is unlawful for the parent of any student to knowingly permit them to violate the daytime curfew.
Dress Code Policy
The Board of Education of the Weber School District recognizes that standards of proper dress and grooming affect the behavior of students attending school. Roy High School is committed to preparing students for the world of work. This includes teaching proper etiquette. The dress code at Roy High School (and throughout the Roy Cone) has been adopted by student, parent, and community councils to promote safety, personal hygiene, and a proper academic environment. Students are expected to maintain a type of dress that is clean, modest, and not distracting to teachers or other students and not detrimental or disruptive to the educational process. Emphasis is placed on neatness, cleanliness, safety, and modesty in personal appearance. Therefore, the following standards for dress and appearance:
Clothing not ordinarily worn in the workplace may not be worn at school (i.e., robes, pajamas, house slippers, etc.).
Shoes (including sandals and flip flops) must be worn at all times. (More restrictive shoe requirements may be required for safety reasons in some classrooms).
Shorts, skirts, and dresses must be mid-thigh length or longer. No mini-skirts, mini-dresses, or short shorts at school are allowed. Leggings can be worn but must not be sheer; items worn over leggings must meet the proper length requirements as stated above. Clothing cannot present an actual distraction or disruption to the educational process or in the classroom.
Shirts and tops may not have bare midriffs or be revealing at the neck, stomach and/or arm holes. The ball of the shoulder must be covered. Tank tops, athletic undershirts, halter tops, spaghetti strap shirts, and bare midriff shirts are not allowed at school.
Underwear must be worn underneath clothing and may not be worn outside of or on top of other clothing, or where it is exposed or can be seen. Sagging pants must not reveal underwear.
Clothing with designs, printed words, or slogans that are suggestive, obscene, in poor taste, promote violence, weapons, or that refer to a substance or activity which is illegal for a minor will not be allowed—clothing which refers to ale, beer, or other alcoholic beverages, smoked or smokeless tobacco, breweries, or illegal drugs may not be worn.
Sunglasses may not be worn in the building except for under doctor’s note.
Hair or makeup which is so conspicuous, extreme, odd in color or style that it draws undue attention, disrupts, or tends to disrupt or interfere with the learning atmosphere at school will not be allowed.
Clothing attachments, jewelry, or accessories which could be considered weapons, which could pose a potential risk of injury to the wearer or other, or which could be considered to be disruptive to the educational process may not be worn. Chains longer than 8 inches may not be worn.
Inappropriate and distracting tattoos may not be displayed. Tattoos with designs, printed words, or slogans that are suggestive, obscene, in poor taste, or that refer to a substance or activity which is illegal for a minor will not be allowed—tattoos which refer to ale, beer, or other alcoholic beverages, smoked or smokeless tobacco, breweries, illegal drugs, or promote violence may not be displayed.
Costumes are not to be worn at school with the exception of approved holidays/activities. For security purposes, masks are also prohibited on campus.
Roy High School reserves the right to prohibit any items of clothing or appearance which may cause a disturbance or distraction to an orderly school environment, i.e., bandannas, jewelry, chains, etc. that are disruptive or might be a safety concern.
Gang related clothing, attire, and fashion is prohibited. Gang apparel and fashion changes, and new trends will be enforced as we receive information from our local gang task force and local law enforcement.
Any violation of the dress code policy will follow the due process tiered disciplinary actions/consequences listed below:
First offense: The student will be warned and the incident will be recorded on the discipline tracker by the teacher and secretary. If the violation involves a hat, a warning may be given but the hat will be confiscated and taken to the office. The student may pick up the hat after school after showing student ID. If the violation involves another type of dress code violation, the student may be asked to have a parent bring alternative clothing and/or wear Royal Wear for the rest of the day.Second offense: A parent will be contacted and/or the student will be required to change inappropriate clothing. If the violation involves a 2nd hat violation, the hat will be confiscated, taken to the office, and returned to a parent after school. The incident will be recorded on the discipline tracker by the teacher and secretary.
Third offense: The student will be suspended for one day and a parent will be contacted. The incident will be recorded on the discipline tracker. Any subsequent violation(s) of the dress code policy will result in extended periods of suspension from school.
Eligibility for Extracurricular Activities
Roy High School is concerned about the academic success of all Royal students. It is important that our students are moving forward toward graduation. Athletics and extracurricular activities should be a means to encourage students to take care of their academic and attendance requirements. Roy High School provides students with many opportunities to participate in extracurricular activities. Research shows that students perform better in school when they are involved in extracurricular activities. In compliance with the Utah High School Activities Association (UHSAA) standards and those of Roy High School, the following minimum standards have been set for participation in any and all Roy High School extra-curricular activities.
Non-compliance with these standards is cause to declare a student ineligible to represent Roy High School. Individual advisors/coaches may impose higher standards provided they are fully explained and provided in a separate disclosure statement to each student /parent. Transfer students are responsible for meeting the academic standards upon admittance to Roy High. Transfer students from other Weber County Schools must also meet the attendance standard of Roy High in order to be eligible for participation. Students must meet eligibility requirements set forth by the clubs and organizations advisory board in order to participate in any related activity or competition wherein they represent Roy High School. Students who are ineligible cannot be with, participate with, or travel with any team or group.
Academic Eligibility Standard
1. The grade point average (GPA) of the student for the quarter preceding participation and/or the quarter of participation, if participation overlaps quarters, must be 2.0 or better. This is the current GPA only and does not refer to any cumulative GPA. If the student receives an I, NC, or NM grade, the I, NC, or NM grade will be considered an F for the purpose of calculating GPA.
2. There shall be no more than one F, I (incomplete), NC (no credit), or NM (no mark or grade) on the report card for the quarter preceding, and/or the quarter of participation if participation overlaps quarters (student must earn credit in all classes). Eligibility under this rule is determined when grades are posted. Grades are “posted” when the school registrar enters all grades electronically and they are available to students, parents, and teachers. In no case may the posting date be more than 5 school days following the last day of the grading period. Grade changes after the posting date cannot restore lost eligibility, except for a documented clerical error made by the teacher. In this situation, a recalculation of the grade point average will be done with the new grade replacing the error.
3. A recalculation of the grade point average would also need to be done if deficiencies are replaced during the summer grading period. The grade point average must be recalculated once an F, I, NC or NM has been made up, with the new grade replacing the deficiency. In order to replace the deficiency obtained during the final grading period, the new grade must be earned in the same subject area and must come from a school district approved summer program. Deficiencies for purposes of this rule include any letter grade. Summer programs are the only programs wherein students can make up academic eligibility deficiencies. No other make up work is accepted to gain academic eligibility during the school year.
Attendance Eligibility Standard
No student will be allowed to participate unless, and until, attendance credit loss is brought into acceptable limits for graduation, which means a student cannot be deficient by more than .75 credits. If a student loses more than .75 attendance credit, he/she is ineligible until the credit is made up and complete, including the paying of fees. A student who is ineligible because of attendance credit lost may be permitted to practice but cannot represent RHS in any games/competitions. Student-athletes must clear all attendance eligibility problems through the Athletic Directors/Administration. The AD’s will notify coaches when the student/athlete becomes eligible. Students in music, drama, debate, and any other adjudicated activities must clear attendance eligibility problems with the administrator supervising the specific program/activity. The administrator/eligibility aide will notify advisors when students become eligible.
**Higher eligibility standards exist for student government/officers, cheerleaders, and drill team/Royalaires. Participants and their parents should be familiar with the constitutions/rules governing these specific groups.
Appeals/Standards Committee
Roy High students deemed “ineligible” for participation in organizations with a higher eligibility standard than the minimum standards outlined above may be eligible to exercise their due process right to appeal. The student/parent must request an appeal, in writing, to the administrator overseeing the activity within 5 school days from the day the student/parent was informed of ineligibility. Roy High School provides a standards committee, made up of employees of Roy High, which will hear appeals of disciplinary action imposed by advisors/coaches and/or school administration, should the parents/guardians choose to appeal the original disciplinary action. The student will have the opportunity to present his/her case to the committee and the committee will vote on whether to lessen the original disciplinary action, keep it the same, increase the severity, or make any other changes to the original disciplinary action that they see fit. Students are allowed ONE appeal during their time at Roy High School. The decision by the standards committee may be appealed to the district standards committee, should the parent/guardian decide an appeal is warranted.
As per the Utah High School Activities Association (UHSAA) rules, appeals are not available for the minimum UHSAA consequences of failure to meet the minimum UHSAA academic eligibility standard listed above. UHSAA also has minimum consequences for other behaviors, such as alcohol use or the use of illegal drugs—infractions not eligible for appeal. Appeals to the standards committee will typically involve the following school programs: cheerleaders, drill team/Royalaires, or student government/officers, as their eligibility standards are higher than state/UHSAA minimum. Athletes or participants in UHSAA sanctioned sports or activities, not meeting the minimum UHSAA academic eligibility standard (listed above), will be denied participation in accordance with the standard, without the right to an appeal.
Hall Passes
Whenever it is necessary for a student to leave a room during a class period, the student must possess a hall pass. If a student is found outside of class without a proper hall pass, he/she may be considered truant. Hall passes should be used sparingly and students are encouraged to be back to class within about 5 minutes. Only one student at a time is allowed to use the hall pass.
Harassment / Bullying / Hazing
Harassment is any unwanted behavior, speech, writing, or pictures directed at any individual or group. If a person’s behavior hurts someone, or makes someone feel unsafe, or uncomfortable, it is harassment, regardless of its intent. A person who feels that he/she is being harassed should first inform the individual that the harassing behavior is unwanted and must stop. If the harassment continues, the harassment should be immediately reported to an adult—teacher, counselor, administrator, resource officer, or parent.
Sexual harassment is characterized by unwanted verbal or physical advances exchanged among students and are inappropriate behaviors which violate the Civil Rights Act. Unwelcome sexual gestures or advances can have a negative impact on both genders. the Difference Between Good-natured, Harmless Fun and Sexual Harassment is How It Makes the Other Person Feel No Matter What the Intent.
Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Bullying includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a group on purpose.
Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place using electronic technology. Examples of cyberbullying include mean text messages or emails, rumors sent by email or posted on social networking sites, and embarrassing pictures, videos, websites, or fake profiles.
Hazing is any action or situation, with or without the consent of the participants, which recklessly, intentionally, or unintentionally endangers the mental, physical, or academic health or safety of a student. Hazing and initiation activities are considered to be forms of harassment and will not be tolerated at Roy High School, regardless of where it occurs. Every student has the right to feel safe and accepted. A student shall not cause bodily injury to another student or commit any act that degrades or disgraces any person: On school grounds during, before or after school hours; on school grounds or any school sponsored activity, function, or event; during school provided transportation; on school grounds when he/she intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly commits an act or causes another to commit an act that endangers the mental or physical health or safety of another; or on or off school grounds if the act(s) committed is/are for the purpose of initiation, admission into, affiliation with, holding office in, or as a condition for continued membership in any organization or rank of the school.
Any student who participates in harassment, sexual harassment, bullying, cyber-bullying, hazing or related initiation activities, or conspires to engage in hazing are subject to disciplinary action including immediate suspension, referral to the district office, alternative school placement, and/or referral to the law enforcement agency, if circumstances warrant. These policies are enforced regardless of whether the person against whom the conduct is committed directed, consented to, or acquiesced in the conduct. Teachers/staff members are held to the same standard as students, and each is responsible to report instances wherein these violations were experienced or witnessed.
Locker-Use Policy
Locker use is a privilege, not a right. Violation of the locker use policy could result in loss of locker use privilege. Lockers are public property and are issued to students for the storage of textbooks and school equipment. Students are responsible to keep their lockers neat and clean, both inside and out. They must not write on, scratch, carve, dent, or in any way deface or mutilate their lockers or anyone else’s locker. Students who violate these regulations may lose locker privileges and will be required to make payment sufficient to cover damages. Any damage not incurred by the occupant must be reported immediately or fines will be assessed to the occupants. Lockers are subject to periodic locker check. School officials reserve the right to search lockers at any time. Illegal items found in lockers may be confiscated and the student to whom lockers are assigned may be prosecuted. The school is not responsible for stolen or lost items from lockers. Money or other valuables should not be left in lockers. Students should guard the security of their own lockers and refrain from providing access to other students. If a student affords access to his/her locker to another student, he/she is directly responsible for any/all contents of and/or damage to the locker.
Lunch and Breakfast Areas
Inappropriate behavior in the cafeteria will not be tolerated and violators will be referred to the office and may lose lunchroom privileges and/or be assigned to clean-up duty. Lunch trays are not to leave the cafeteria and all food and beverages must be kept in the cafeteria, other designated eating areas or outside on the patio eating area near the cafeteria. The school’s bookstore is open during lunch and provides a variety of food/beverage choices.
Media Center / Library
The Roy High School Media Center is open daily from 7:20 a.m. to 3:15 p.m., including during lunch. Students are welcome to use the library and its resources. While in the library, students are expected to conduct themselves in a quiet and orderly manner, demonstrating respect for staff, others using the library, and the materials available (e.g., books, magazines, newspapers). Food and drink (except water) are not allowed into the library. To check out books, students must use their student ID card. Any materials returned late will be assessed a late fee. Students will be charged a replacement cost for any lost/damaged items. Teachers are expected to supervise their classes as they work in the library.
Non-Roy High Students / Visitors
Visitors of students are not allowed at Roy High School during school hours. No school-aged visitors include, but are not limited to, siblings, young children, friends or relatives from out of town, or students from other schools. Parents and other school patrons visiting the school must FIRST check in at the office and obtain a visitor’s pass. Please notify an administrator and/or the school’s resource officer if you have a concern about an unidentified visitor. Anyone violating this safe school policy could be detained, cited and/or arrested. Please be advised that we take the safety of our students very seriously.
In order to provide proper safety and control, student parking regulations have been established. All Student Parking Will Be in the East and North Parking Lots. All student vehicles parked in the Roy High School parking lots Must display a Current student parking decal in the window. By completing the parking form (which can be obtained at the main office) and paying $10.00 to the bookkeeper, you may obtain a parking decal. The purchase of a parking pass does not guarantee you a parking space. All vehicles parked in our lots should be locked and not contain items of value. Roy High is not responsible for items that are stolen or vehicles that are damaged. Any vehicle suspected of harboring illegal substances is subject to search by the administration. Vehicles are NOT allowed to park in fire lanes, on sidewalks, on the grass, in No Parking zones, in the driver’s education area after 3:45 p.m., in visitor’s/handicapped slots, or block any access lanes such as those for emergency vehicles or deliveries. Numbered parking stalls are reserved for faculty, staff, substitute teachers and visitors. Students are not to park in these areas. Any Vehicle Illegally Parked is Subject to Ticketing, Towing or Booting at the Driver's Expense, Without Warning! Students parked in the visitor or handicapped areas marked in front of school may be towed. Parking violations will result in a $10.00 citation.
Personal Searches of Students
A student’s person and/or personal effects (e.g. backpack, purse) may be searched whenever an administrator has reason to believe that the student is in possession of illegal or unauthorized materials. If a pat down of a student or employee is conducted, it will take place in private by an administrator of the same sex and with a witness present. In extreme emergency cases, a police officer may be called upon to assist with the emergency.
Search and Seizure
Students shall be free from unreasonable search or seizure, and the administration shall provide due process protection in all cases. Lockers are school property and school authorities may make reasonable regulations regarding their use. Lockers are subject to inspection and search by school officials if it is determined there is probable and/or reasonable cause. Roy High has installed security cameras for the safety of our students and staff. These cameras will be utilized to investigate violations.
Report Cards / Midterm Grade Reports
End of quarter report cards and mid-term reports will be mailed home each quarter. A report card and mid-term can be expected approximately one week after the end of each quarter and each mid-term. Students and parents can access current grading progress reports at any time by logging in to the portal. Teachers should be emailed with concerns.
No skateboards will be allowed to be used inside the school. Upon arriving at school, skateboards must be secured in the student’s locker. Loitering/skateboarding on school grounds will not be allowed before, during or after school.
Any student caught trespassing at another school during school hours without permission may be suspended or otherwise disciplined. Students other than current daytime Roy High School students should not be on the campus during the hours of 7:15 am-2:30 pm. If a non-Roy High student participates in behavior before or after school or at any extra-curricular activity that would deem disciplinary action, a no trespass will be issued with Roy City Police Department.